June 17, 2005:
Eric: SF Matzke, AL Creagh, CA Haynes, JM Prausnitz, HW Blanch. "Mechanisms of Protein Solubilization in Reverse Micelles," Biotechnology and Bioengineering 40 (1), 91-102 (1992).
Sara: SL Anna, N Bontoux, HA Stone. "Formation of Dispersions Using 'Flow Focusing' in Microchannels," Applied Physics Letters 82 (3), 364-366 (2003).
July 1:
Vincent: L Garcia-Rio, JC Mejuto, M Perez-Lorenzo, A Rodriguez-Alvarez, P Rodriguez-Dafonte. "Influence of Anionic Surfactants on the Electric Percolation of AOT/Isoctane/Water Microemulsions," Langmuir 21 (14), 6259-6264 (2005).
Steve: DLJ Vossen, D Fific, J Penninkhof, T van Dillen, A Polman, A van Blaaderen. "Combined Optical Tweezers/Ion Beam Technique to Tune Colloidal Masks for Nanolithography," Nano Letters 5, 1175-1179 (2005).
July 15:
Aaron: Y Arai, R Yasuda, K Akashi, Y Harada, H Miyata, K Kinosita Jr, H Itohs. "Tying a Molecular Knot with Optical Tweezers," Nature 399, 446-448 (1999).
XR Bao, HJ Lee, SR Quake. "Behavior of Complex Knots in Single DNA Molecules," Physical Review Letters 91 (26), 265506 (2003).
Sara: C Blattert, R Jurischka, I Tahhan, A Schoth, P kerth, W Menz. "Separation of Blood in Microchannel Bends," Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2627-2630 (2004).
J Takagi, M Yamada, M Yasuda, M Seki. "Continuous Particle Separation in a Microchannel having Asymmetrically Arranged Multiple Branches," Lab on a Chip 5, 778-784 (2005).
July 29:
Eric: SB Debord, L A Lyon. "Influence of Particle Volume Fraction on Packing in Responsive Hydrogel Colloidal Crystals," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 2927-2932, (2003).
Vincent: J Prikulis, F Svedberg, M Kall, J Enger, K Ramser, M Goksor, D Hanstorp. "Optical Spectroscopy of Single Trapped Metal Nanoparticles in Solution," Nano Letters 4 (1), 115-118 (2004).
August 12:
Sara: F Wottawah, S Schinkinger, B Lincoln, R Ananthakrishnan, M Romeyke, J Guck, J Kas. "Optical Rheology of Biological Cells," Physical Review Letters 94, 098103 (2005).
Aaron: M Polin, K Ladavac, S-H Lee, Y Roichman, D Grier. "Optimized Holographic Optical Traps," Optics Express 13 (15), 5831-5845 (2005).
August 26:
Vincent: N Murazawa, S Juodkazis, S Matsuo, H Misawa. "Control of the Molecular Alignment Inside Liquid_Crystal Droplets by Use of Laser Tweezers," Small 1 (6), 656-661 (2005).
Katie: C Ritzouliz, N Scoutaris, K Papademetriou, S Stavroulis, C Panayiotou. "Milk Protein-Based Emulsion Gels for Bone Tissue Engineering," Food Hydrocolloids 19, 575-581 (2005).
September 14:
Eric: W Man, M Megens, PJ Steinhardt, PM Chaikin. "Experimental Measurement of the Photonic Properties of Icosahedral Quasicrystals," Nature 436 (7053), 993-996 (2005).
Sara: AM Alsayed, MF Islam, J Zhang, PJ Collings, AG Yodh. "Premelting at Defects Within Bulk Colloidal Crystals," Science 309 (5738), 1207-1210 (2005).
September 28:
Vincent: CJ Orendorff, PL Hankins, CJ Murphy. "pH-Triggered Assembly of Gold Nanorods," Langmuir 21, 2022-2026 (2005).
Aric: DV Vezenov, BT Mayers, DB Wolfe, GM Whitesides. "Integrated Fluorescent Light Source for Optofluidic Applications," Applied Physics Letters 86, 041104 (2005).
JC Galas, J Torres, M Belotti, Q Kou, Y Chen. "Microfluidic Tunable Dye Laser with Integrated Mixer and Ring Resonator," Applied Physics Letters 86, 264101 (2005).
October 12:
Jason: I Chen, M Howarth, W Lin, AY Ting. "Site-specific labeling of cell surface proteins with biophysical probes using biotin ligase," Nature Methods 2 (2), 99-104, (2005).
Eric: KQ Zhang, XY Liu. "In situ observation of colloidal monolayer nucleation driven by an alternating electric field," Nature 429, 739-743, (2004).
October 26:
Sara: S Manley, JM Skotheim, L Mahadevan, DA Weitz. "Gravitational Collapse of Colloidal Gels," Physical Review Letters 94, 218302, (2005).
Vincent: J Kim, S Garoff, JL Anderson, LJM Schlangen. "Movement of Colloidal Particle in Two-Dimensional Electric Fields," Langmuir 21 (19), 8620-8629 (2005).
November 9:
Aric: BJ West, R Zhang, AW Sanders, S Minyar, JH Zuckerman, BD Levine. "Fractal Fluctuations in Transcranial Doppler Signals," Physical Review E 59 (3), 3492-3498 (1999).
Jason: AL Hiddessen, DA Weitz, DA Hammer. "Rheology of Binary Colloidal Structures Assembled via Specific Biological Cross-Linking," Langmuir 20, 71-104 (2004).
November 30:
Eleanor: A Cao, PL Dickrell, WG Sawyer, MN Ghasemi-Nejhad, PM Ajayan. "Super-Compressible Foamlike Carbon Nanotube Films," Science 310 (5752), 1307-1310 (2005).
Sara: W Chen, S Tan, T Ng, WT Ford, P Tong. "Long-Ranged Attraction between Charged Polystyrene Spheres at Aqueous Interfaces," Physical Review Letters 95, 218301 (2005).
December 14:
Eric: DGAL Aarts, HNW Lekkerkerker. "Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy on Fluid-Fluid Demixing Colloid-Polymer Mixtures," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (38), S4231-S4242 (2004).
Vincent: LA Haines, K Rajagopal, B Ozbas, DA Salick, DJ Pochan, JP Schneider. "Light-Activated Hydrogel Formation via the Triggered Folding and Self-Assembly of a Designer Peptide," Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, 17025-17029 (2005).
January 18, 2006:
Aric: H Ditlbacher, A Hohenau, D Wagner, U Kreibig, M Rogers, F Hofer, FR Aussenegg, JR Krenn. "Silver Nanowires as Surface Plasmon Resonators," Physical Review Letters 95 (25), 257403 (2005).
Sara:Y Wang, M Rafailovich, J Sokolov, D Gersappe, T Araki, Y Zou, ADL Kilcoyne, H Ade, G Marom, A Lustiger. "Substrate Effect on the Melting Temperature of Thin Polyethylene Films," Physical Review Letters 96 (2), 028303 (2006).
February 1:
Eleanor: AI Campbell, VJ Anderson, JS van Duijneveldt, P Bartlett. "Dynamical Arrest in Attractive Colloids: The Effect of Long-Range Repulsion," Physical Review Letters 94, 208301 (2005)
Jason: NP Huang, J Voros, SM De Paul, M Textor, ND Spencer. "Biotin-Derivatized Poly(L-lysine)-g-poly(ehtylene glycol): A Novel Polymeric Interface for Bioaffinity Sensing," Langmuir 18, 220-230 (2002).
February 15:
Cecile: CH Lin, P Forscher. "Growth Cone Advance is Inversely Proportional to Retrograde F-Actin Flow," Neuron 14 (4), 763-771 (1995).
Sunil: MF Hsu, ER Dufresne, DA Weitz. "Charge Stabilization in Nonpolar Solvents," Langmuir 21, 4881-4887 (2005).
March 1:
Prasanta: BP Olveczky, AS Verkman. "Monte Carlo Analysis of Obstructed Diffusion in Three Dimensions: Application to Molecular Diffusion in Organelles," Biophysical Journal, 74, 2722-2730, (1998).
Guo-Jie: B Doliwa, A Heuer. "What does the potential energy landscape tell us about the dynamics of supercooled liquids and glasses?," Physical Review Letters 91, 235501 (2003).
March 15:
Corey: A Donev, FH Stillinger, S Torquato. "Do Binary Hard Disks Exhibit an Ideal Glass Transition?" cond-mat/0603183.
Eric: A La Porta, MD Wang. "Optical Torque Wrench: Angular Trapping, Rotation and Torque Detection of Quartz Microparticles," Physical Review Letters 92 (19), 190801 (2004).
April 5:
Sara: L Becu, S Manneville, A Colin. "Yielding and Flow in Adhesive and Nonadhesive Concentrated Emulsions," Physical Review Letters 96, 138302 (2006).
April 19:
Jason: PWK Rothemund. "Folding DNA to Create Nanoscale Shapes and Patterns," Nature 440, 297-302 (2006).
Sunil: MJ Hou, DO Shah. "Effects of the Molecular Structure of the Interface and Continuous Phase on Solubilization of Water in Water/Oil Microemulsions," Langmuir 3, 1086-1096 (1987).
May 3:
Aric: MD Fischbein, M Drndic, "Nanogaps by direct lithography for high-resolution imaging and electronic characterization of nanostructures." Applied Physics Letters 88, 063116 (2006).
Cecile: WJ Greenleaf, MT Woodside, EA Abbondanzieri, SM Block. "Passive All-Optical Clamp for High-Resolution Laser Trapping," Physical Review Letters 95, 208102 (2005).
May 17:
Eleanor: K Visscher, MJ Schnitzer, SM Block. "Single kinesin moecules studied with a molecular force clamp," Nature 400 184 (1999).
Corey: F Hofling, T Franosch, E Frey. "Localization Transition of the Three-Dimensional Lorentz Model and Continuum Percolation," Physical Review Letters 96 (16), 165901 (2006).
May 31:
Guo-Jie: A Donev, S Torquato, FH Stillinger, R Connelly. "A linear programming algorithm to test for jamming in hard-sphere packings," Journal of Computational Physics 197, 139-166 (2004).
Prasanta: K Hahn, J Karger. "Propogator and mean-square displacement in single-file systems," Journal of Physics A 28 (11), 3061-3070 (1995).
June 14: (moved to June 21)
Eric: H Kress et al. "Filopodial Dynamics," preprint (2006).
Jason: MT Valentine, ZE Perlman, ML Gardel, JH Shin, P Matsudaira, DA Weitz. "Colloid surface chemistry critically affects multiple particle tracking measurements of biomaterials," Biophysical Journal 86, 4004 (2004).
June 28:
Cecile: F Ritort, S Mihardja, SB Smith, C Bustamante. "Condensation transition in DNA-Polyaminoamide dendrimer fibers studied using optical tweezers," Physical Review Letters 96, 118301 (2006).
Sunil: ACS Overview
July 12:
Aric: DA Stuart, AJ Haes, CR Yonzon, EM Hicks, RP Van Duyne. "Biological applications of localised surface plasmonic phenomenae," IEE Proc-Nanobiotechnol 152, 13 (2005).
Eleanor: E Carlon, ML Malki, R Blossey. "Exons, Introns, and DNA Thermodynamics," Physical Review Letters 94, 178101 (2005).
July 26:
Sara: D Semwogerere, JF Morris, ER Weeks. "Development of particle migration in pressure-driven flow of a Brownian suspension," submitted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2006).
Guo-Jie: TS Majmudar, M Sperl, S Luding, RP Behringer. "The jamming transition in granular systems," preprint (2006).
August 9:
Corey: J Bloustine and S Fraden. "The coordination number of granular cylinders," submitted to the Europhysics Letters (2006).
Prasanta: ER Weeks and DA Weitz. "Properties of cage rearrangements observed near the colloidal glass transition," Physical Review Letters 89, 095704 (2002).
August 23:
Matt: RM Dickson, LA Lyon. "Unidirectional Plasmon Propogation in Metallic Nanowires," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104, 6095 (2000).
September 6: (First day of classes)
Cecile: V Emiliani, D Cojoc, E Ferrari, V Garbin, C Durieux, M Coppey-Moisan, E Di Fabrizio. "Wave front engineering for microscopy of living cells," Optics Express 13 (2005).
Sunil: F Strubbe, ARM Verschueren, LJM Schlangen, F Beunis, K Neyts. "Generation current of charged micelles in nonaqueous liquids," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 300, 396 (2006).
October 3:
Guo-Jie: J Talbot, G Tarjus, P Viot. "Aging and Response Properties in the Parking Lot Model," The European Physical Journal E 5, 445 (2001).
Sara: J Kim, S Nayak, LA Lyon. "Bioresponsive Hydrogel Microlenses," Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, 9588 (2005).
October 17:
Gregg: A Widmer-Cooper, P Harrowell, H Fynewever. "How reproducible are dynamic heterogeneities in a supercooled liquid?," Physical Review Letters 93, 135701 (2004).
Prasanta: RM D'Souza. "Coexisting phases and lattice dependence of a cellular automaton model for traffic flow," Physical Review E 71, 066112 (2005).
October 31:
Corey: H Tanaka, J Meunier, D Bonn. "Nonergodic states of charged colloidal suspensions: Repulsive and attractive glasses and gels," Physical Review E 69, 031404 (2004).
Eric: DE Chang, AS Sorensen, PR Hermer, MD Lukin. "Quantum Optics with Surface Plasmons," Physical Review Letters 97, 053002 (2006).
November 14:
Steve: B Varghese, FC Cheong, S Sindhu, T Yu, CT Lim, S Valiyaveettil, CH Sow. "Size Selective Assembly of Colloidal Particles on a Template by Directed Self-Assembly Technique," Langmuir 22, 8248 (2006).
Sunil: N Malagnino, G Pesce, A Sasso, E Arimondo. "Measurements of Trapping Efficiency and Stiffness in Optical Tweezers," Optics Communications 214, 15 (2002).
November 28:
Cecile: CG Galbraith, MP Sheetz. "A micromachined device provides a new bend on fibroblast traction forces," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 9114 (1997).
Elise: J Colombani, J Bert. "Toward a complete description of nucleation and growth in liquid-liquid phase separation," Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 29, (2004).
December 12:
Guo-Jie: JM Luck, A Mehta. "A column of grains in the jamming limit: glassy dynamics in the compaction process," Eur. Phys. J. B 35, 399 (2003).
Jason: Y Roichman, I Cholis, DG Grier. "Volumetric imaging of holographic optical traps," Optics Express 14, 10907 (2006).
January 9, 2007:
Eric: A Ashkin, JM Dziedzic. "Observation of Resonances in the Radiation Pressure on Dielectric Spheres," Physical Review Letters 38, 1351 (1977).
Prasanta: Q-H Wei, C Bechinger, P Leiderer. "Single-File Diffusion of Colloids in One-Dimensional Channels," Science 287, 625 (2007).
January 18:
Scheduling Meeting
Sara: AE Cohen. "Control of Nanoparticles with Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Force Fields," Physical Review Letters 94, 118102 (2005).
January 24:
Sunil: P Bartlett, AI Campbell. "Three-Dimensional Binary Superlattices of Oppositely Charged Colloids," Physical Review Letters 95, 128302 (2005).
A-P Hynninen, CG Christova, R van Roij, A van Blaaderen, M Dijkstral. "Prediction and Observation of Crystal Structures of Oppositely Charged Colloids," Physical Review Letters 96, 138308 (2006).
Jerzy: T Beatus, T Tlusty, R Bar-Ziv. "Phonons in a one-dimensional microfluidic crystal," Nature Physics 2 (11), 743 (2006).
Click for movies.
January 31:
Marleen: BJ Wiley, Z Wang, J Wei, Y Yin, DH Cobden, Y Xia. "Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of Silver Nanobeams," Nanoletters 6 (10), 2273 (2006).
Gregg: K Broderix, KK Bhattacharya, A Cavagna, A Zippelius, I Giardina. "Energy Landscape of a Lennard-Jones Liquid: Statistics of Stationary Points," Physical Review Letters 85 (25), 5360 (2000).
L Angelani, R Di Leonardo, G Ruocco, A Scala, F Sciortino. "Saddles in the Energy Landscape Probed by Supercooled Liquids," Physical Review Letters 85, (25), 5356 (2000).
February 7:
Corey: PG Wolynes. "Energy landscapes and solved protein-folding problems," Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society A 363, 453 (2005).
Kristina: K Qi, WA Daoud, JH Xin, CL Mak, W Tang, WP Cheung. "Self-cleaning cotton," Journal of Materials Chemistry 16, 4567 (2006).
February 14:
Jason F: K Kegler, M Salomo, F Kremer. "Forces of Interaction between DNA-Grafted Colloids: An Optical Tweezer Measurement," Physical Review Letters 98, 058304 (2007).
Simon: S-H Chen, W-R Chen, F Mallamace. "The Glass-to-Glass Transition and Its Endpoint in a Copolymer Micellar System," Science 300, 619 (2003).
February 21:
Cecile: O Chaudhuri, SH Parekh, DA Fletcher. "Reversible stress softening of actin networks," Nature 445, 295 (2007).
Prasanta: T Vicsek, A Czirok, E Ben-Jacob, I Cohen, O Shochet. "Novel Type of Phase Transition in a System of Self-Driven Particles," Physical Review Letters 75, 1226 (1995).
February 28:
Karen: RAL Vallee, M Van der Auweraer, W Paul, K Binder. "Flourescence lifetime of a single molecule as an observable of meta-basin dynamics in fluids near the glass transition," Physical Review Letters 97, 217801 (2006).
Elise: D Wirtz, GG Fuller. "Phase transitions induced by electric fields in near-critical polymer solutions," Physical Review Letters 71, 2236 (1993).
March 7, APS March Mtng:
Xinhui: T Narayanan, M Sztucki, G Belina, F Pignon. "Microstructure and Rheology near an Attractive Colloidal Glass Transition," Physical Review Letters 96, 258301 (2006).
Jason M: A Hohenau, JR Krenn, AL Stepanov, A Drezet, H Ditlbacher, B Steinberger, A Leitner, FR Aussenegg. "Dielectric optical elements for surface plasmons," Optics Letters 30 (8), 893 (2005).
March 14, Spring Break:
Guo-Jie: O Pouliquen, M Belzons, M Nicolas. "Fluctuating particle motion during shear induced granular compaction," Physical Review Letters 91, 014301 (2003).
March 21, Spring Break:
Holger: EA Abbondanzieri, WJ Greenleaf, JW Shaevitz, R Landick, SM Block. "Direct observation of base-pair stepping by RNA polymerase," Nature 438, 460 (2005).
Melissa: LA Wilen, JG Dash. "Frost Heave Dynamics at a Single Crystal Interface," Physical Review Letters 74, 5076 (1995).
March 28:
Cecile: Y Marcy, J Prost, M-F Carlier, C Sykes. "Force generated during actin-based propulsion: A direct measurement by micromanipulation," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 5992 (2004).
April 4:
Tamara: M Benoit, HE Gaub. "Measuring Cell Adhesion Forces with the Atomic Force Microscope at the Molecular Level," Cells Tissues Organs 172, 174 (2002).
Stephen: H Ning, J Buitenhuis, JKG Dhont, S Wiegand. "Thermal diffusion in hard sphere suspensions," Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 204911 (2006).
April 11:
Margaret: II Smalyukh, AV Kachynski, AN Kuzmin, PN Prasad. "Laser trapping in anisotropic fluids and polarization-controlled particle dynamics," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 18048 (2006).
Eleanor: T Gregor, W Bialek, RR de Ruyter van Steveninck, DW Tank, EF Wieschaus. "Diffusion and scaling during early embryonic pattern formation," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 18403 (2005).
April 18:
Corey: J Liang, KA Dill. "Are proteins well-packed?" Biophysical Journal 81, 751 (2001).
Sara: V Kantsler, V Steinberg. "Transition to tumbling and two regimes of tumbling motion of a vesicle in shear flow," Physical Review Letters 96, 036001 (2006).
April 25:
Eric: SS Shen-Orr, R Milo, S Mangan, U Alon. "Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli," Nature Genetics 31, 64 (2002).
Karen: E Zaccarelli, SV Buldyrev, E La Nave, AJ Moreno, I Saika-Voivod, F Sciortino, P Tartaglia. "Model for reversible colloidal gelation," Physical Review Letters 94, 218301 (2005).
May 2:
Simon: E Korobkova, T Emonet, JMG Vilar, TS Shimizu, P C. "From molecular noise to behavioural variability in a single bacterium," Nature 428, 574 (2004).
Sunil: C Russ, M Brunner, C Bechinger, HH von Gr¸nberg. "Three-body forces at work: three-body potentials derived from triplet correlations in colloidal suspensions," Europhysics Letters 69, 468 (2005).
May 9:
Gregg: DJ Jacobs, MF Thorpe. "Generic Rigidity Percolation: The Pebble Game," Physical Review Letters 75, 4051 (1995).
C Moukarzel, PM Duxbury. "Stressed Backbone and Elasticity of Random Central-Force
Systems," Physical Review Letters 75, 4055 (1995).
Jason F.: J Bechhoefer, B Marshall. "How Xenopus Laevis Replicates DNA Reliably even though Its Origins of Replication are Located and Initiated Stochastically," Physical Review Letters 98, 098105 (2007).
May 16:
Marleen: VV Temnov, U Woggon, J Dintinger, E Devaux, TW Ebbesen. "Surface plasmon interferometry: measuring group velocity of surface plasmons," Optics Letters 32, 1235 (2007).
Xinhui: AM Puertas, M Fuchs, ME Cates. "Comparative Simulation Study of Colloidal Gels and Glasses," Physical Review Letters 88, 098301 (2002).
May 23:
Elise: PS Clegg, EM Herzig, AB Schofield, SU Egelhaaf, TS Horozov, BP Binks, ME Cates, WCK Poon. "Emulsification of Partially Miscible Liquids Using Colloidal Particles: Nonspherical and Extended Domain Structures," Langmuir 23, 5984 (2007).
Prasanta: D Helbing, I Farkas, T Vicsek. "Simulating dynamical features of escape panic," Nature 407, 487 (2000).
May 30:
Jason M.: HJ Lezec, JA Dionne, HA Atwater. "Negative Refraction at Visible Frequencies," Science 316, 430 (2007).
Melissa: L Isa, R Besseling, WCK Poon. "Shear Zones and Wall Slip in the Capillary Flow of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions," Physical Review Letters 98, 198305 (2007).
June 6:
Guo-Jie: O Dauchot, G Marty, G Biroli. "Dynamical Heterogeneity Close to the Jamming Transition in a Sheared Granular Material," Physical Review Letters 95, 265701 (2005).
Margaret: M Vergassola, E Villermaux, BI Shraiman. "Infotaxis as a strategy for searching without gradients," Nature 445, 406 (2007).
June 13:
Holger: K Franze, J Grosche, SN Skatchkov, S Schinkinger, C Foja, D Schild, O Uckermann, K Travis, A Reichenbach, J Guck. "Muller cells are living optical fibers in the vertebrate retina," PNAS 104, 8287 (2007).
Tamara: C Cecconi, EA Shank, C Bustamante,†S Marqusee. "Direct Observation of the Three-State Folding of a Single Protein Molecule," Science 309, 2057 (2005).
June 20:
Cecile: X Trepat, L Deng, SS An, D Navajas, DJ Tschumperlin, WT Gerthoffer, JP Butler, JJ Fredberg. "Universal physical responses to stretch in the living cell," Nature 447, 592 (2007).
Gregg: AS Keys, AR Abate, SC Glotzer, DJ Durian. "Measurement of growing dynamical length scales and prediction of the jamming transition in a granular material," Nature Physics 3, 260 (2007).
June 27:
Corey: S Schnabel, M Bachmann, W Janke. "Two-state Folding, Folding through Intermediates, and Metastability in a Minimalistic Hydrophobic-Polar Model for Proteins," Physical Review Letters 98, 048103 (2007).
Eric: Y Han, AM Alsayed, M Nobili, J Zhang, TC Lubensky, AG Yodh. "Brownian motion of an ellipsoid," Science 314, 626 (2006).
July 11:
Elise: RP Sear. "Dishevelled: a protein that functions in living cells by phase separating," Soft Matter 3, 680 (2007).
Jason M.: S Brestschneider, C Eggeling, SW Hell. "Breaking the Diffraction Barrier in Fluorescence Microscopy by Optical Shelving," Physical Review Letters 98, 218103 (2007).
July 18:
Karen: S Granick, Y Zhu, H Lee. "Slippery Questions About Complex Fluids Flowing Past Solids," Nature Materials 2, 221 (2003).
Jason F.: VJ Hilser, EB Thompson. "Intrinsic disorder as a mechanism to optimize allosteric coupling in proteins," PNAS 104, 8311 (2007).
July 25:
Sara: AM Leshansky, A Bransky, N Korin, U Dinnar. "Tunable Nonlinear Viscoelastic ëëFocusingíí in a Microfluidic Device," Physical Review Letters 98, 234501 (2007).
Xinhui: PA Lemieux, DJ Durian. "Quasi-elastic light scattering for intermittent dynamics," Applied Optics 40, 3984 (2001).
August 1:
Marleen: Y Nakayama, PJ Pauzauskie, A Radenovic, RM Onorato, RJ Saykally, J Liphardt, P Yang. "Tunable nanowire nonlinear optical probe," Nature 447, 1098 (2007).
Prasanta: A-L Barabasi. "The origin of bursts and heavy tails in human dynamics," Nature 435, 207 (2005).
August 8:
Melissa: CR Nugent, KV Edmond, HN Patel, ER Weeks. "Colloidal Glass Transition Observed in Confinement," Physical Review Letters 99, 025702 (2007).
Simon: DJ Durian, DA Weitz, DJ Pine. "Scaling behavior in shaving cream", Physical Review A 44, R7902 (1991).
August 15:
Chinedum: L Becu, S Manneville, A Colin. "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Wormlike Micelles Under Shear," Physical Review Letters 93, 1 (2004).
Guo-Jie: S Torquato,†FH Stillinger. "Toward the Jamming Threshold of Sphere Packings: Tunneled Crystals," preprint (2007).
August 22:
Sunil: V Blickle, T Speck, C Lutz, U Seifert, C Bechinger. "Einstein Relation Generalized to Non Equilibrium," Physical Review Letters 98, 210601 (2007).
Wilfried: M Versluis, C Blom, D van der Meer, K van der Weele, D Lohse. "Leaping shampoo and the stable Kaye effect," Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P07007 (2006).
See also this cool YouTube video of 'leaping shampoo.'
August 29:
Holger: E Betzig, GH Patterson, R Sougrat, OW Lindwasser, S Olenych, JS Bonifacino, MW Davidson, J Lippincott-Schwartz, HF Hess. "Imaging Intracellular Fluorescent Proteins at Nanometer Resolution," Science 313, 1642 (2006).
Margaret: A Voit, A Krekhov, W Kohler. "Laser-induced structures in a polymer blend in the vicinity of the phase boundary," Physical Review E 76, 011808 (2007).
September 5:
Cecile: S Sacanna, WK Kegel, AP Philipse. "Thermodynamically stable pickering emulsions," Physical Review Letters 98, 158301 (2007).
Tamara: TP Burg, M Godin, SM Knudsen, W Shen, G Carlson, JS Foster, K Babcock, SR Manalis. "Weighing of biomolecules, single cells and single nanoparticles in fluid," Nature 446, 1066 (2007).
September 13:
Elise: P Poesio, AM Lezzi, GP Beretta. "Evidence of convective heat transfer enhancement induced by spinodal decomposition," Physical Review E 75, 066306 (2007).
Gregg: JM Finke, PA Jennings, JC Lee, JN Onuchic, JR Winkler. "Equilibrium Unfolding of the Poly(glutamic acid)_20 Helix," Biopolymers 86, 193 (2007).
September 20:
Corey: AM Puertas, M Fuchs, ME Cates. "Aging in attraction-driven colloidal glasses," Physical Review E 75, 031401 (2007).
Eric: U Agero, CH Monken, C Ropert, RT Gazzinelli, ON Mesquita. "Cell surface fluctuations studied with defocusing microscopy," Physical Review E 67, 051904 (2003).
LG Mesquita, U Agero, ON Mesquita. "Defocusing microscopy: An approach for red blood cell optics," Applied Physics Letters 88, 133901 (2006).
September 27:
Jason F.: S MAnley, HM Wyss, K Miyazaki, JC Conrad, V Trappe, LJ Kaufman, DR Reichman, DA Weitz. "Glasslike Arrest in Spinodal Decomposition as a Route to Colloidal Gelation," Physical Review Letters 95, 258302 (2005).
Rebecca: LA Pugnaloni. "On the relationship between rheology and percolation in the gelation of weakly attractive colloids: Beyond "snapshot" percolation" asXiv:cond-mat/0406713v1 (2004).
October 4:
Marleen: S Stankovich, DA Dikin, GHB Dommett, KM Kohlhaas, EJ Zimney, EA Stach, RD Piner, ST Nguyen, RS Ruoff. "Graphene-based composite materials," Nature 442, 282 (2006).
Prasanta: EJ Saltzman, KS Schweizer. "Activated hopping and dynamical fluctuation effects in hard sphere suspensions and fluids," Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 44509 (2006).
October 11:
Sara: RE Mahaffy, CK Shih, FC MacKintosh, J Kas. "Scanning Probe-Based Frequency-Dependent Microrheology of Polymer Gels and Biological Cells," Physical Review Letters 85, 880 (2000).
Xinhui: F Cardinaux, T Gibaud, A Stradner, P Schurtenberger. "Interplay between Spinodal Decomposition and Glass Formation in Proteins Exhibiting Short-Range Attractions," Physical Review Letters 99, 118301 (2007).
October 18:
Jason M.: DM Carberry, JC Reid, GM Wang, EM Sevick, DJ Searles, DJ Evans. "Fluctuations and Irreversibility: An Experimental Demonstration of a Second-Law-Like Theorem Using a Colloidal Particle Held in an Optical Trap," Physical Review Letters 94, 140601 (2004).
Karen: MJ Fuerstman, P Garstecki, GM Whitesides. "Coding/Decoding and Reversibility of Droplet Trains in Microfluidic Networks," Science 828, 315 (2007).
October 25:
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November 1:
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November 8:
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November 15:
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November 22: Thanksgiving
November 29:
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December 6:
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December 20:
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January 17, 2008:
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Margaret: ML Gardel, JH Shin, FC MacKintosh, L Mahadevan, P Matsudaira, DA Weitz. "Elastic Behavior of Cross-Linked and Bundled Actin Networks," Science 304, 1302 (2004).
January 24:
Cecile: G Jiang, G Giannone, DR Critchley, E Fukumoto, MP Sheetz. "Two-piconewton slip bond between fibronectin and the cytoskeleton depends on talin," Nature 424, 334 (2003).
Eric: Azadeh Samadani, Jerome Mettetal, A van Oudenaarden. "Cellular asymmetry and individuality in directional sensing," PNAS 103, 11549 (2006).
January 31:
Jason F.: D Di Carlo, D Irimia, RG Tompkins, M Toner. "Continuous inertial focusing, ordering, and separation of particles in microchannels," PNAS 104 18892, (2007).
Rebecca: JS Hamon, MD Demetriou, WL Johnson, K Samwer. "Anelastic to Plastic Transition in Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids" Physical Review Letters 99, 135502 (2007).
February 7:
Elise: Nicolas Bremond, Abdou R. Thiam, and Jerome Bibette. "Decompressing Emulsion Droplets Favors Coalescence," Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 024501 (2008).
Sunil: Andrea M. Armani, Rajan P. Kulkarni, Scott E. Fraser, Richard C. Flagan, Kerry J. Vahala. "Label-Free, Single-Molecule Detection with Optical Microcavities," Science 317, 783 (2007).
February 14:
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Xinhui: Y. Gao and M. L. Kilfoil. "Direct Imaging of Dynamical Heterogeneities near the Colloid-Gel Transition" Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 078301 (2007)
February 21:
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Simon: Michael B. Elowitz and Stanislas Leibler. "A Synthetic Oscillatory Network of Transcriptional Regulators," Nature 403, 335 (2000)
February 28:
Carl: Peter Schall, David A. Weitz, and Frans Spaepen. "Structural Rearrangements That Govern Flow in Colloidal Glasses," Science 318, 1895 (2007).
March 6:
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March 13: Spring Break
Jingyu: Xiangwei Z. et al, "Colloidal Crystal Beads as Supports for Biomolecular Screening," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 45, 6835-6838 (2006)
Melissa: Cheng, Xu, Patterson, Jaeger, and Nagel. "Towards the zero-surface-tension limit in granular fingering instability," Nature Physics, 4, 234 (2008).
March 20: Spring Break
Guo-Jie: Michael L. Falk, Masahiro Toiya, Wolfgang Losert. "Shear transformation zone analysis of shear reversal during granular flow," arXiv:0802.1752v1.
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March 27
Wilfried: Tsevi Beatus, Tsvi Tlusty and Roy Bar-Ziv. "Phonons in a one-dimensional microfluidic crystal," Nature Physics 2, 743 - 748 (2006).
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April 3
Holger: B. Lukic, S. Jeney, C. Tischer, A. J. Kulik, L. Forro, and E.-L. Florin "Direct Observation of Nondiffusive Motion of a Brownian Particle" Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 160601 (2005).
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April 10
Elizabeth: Marc Barthelemy, and Alessandro Flammini. "Modeling Urban Street Patterns," Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 138702 (2008).
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April 17
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Prasanta: G.B. West, J. H. Brown, and B. J. Enquist. "A General Model for the Origin of Allometric Scaling Laws in Biology," Science 276, 5309 (1997).
April 24
Eric: R. R. Netz and H. Orland. "Variational charge renormalization in charged systems," The European Physical Journal E, 11, 301 (2003).
Tamara: R.W. Friddle, "Unified Model of Dynamic Forced Barrier Crosing in Single Molecules", PRL 100, 138302, April (2008).
May 1
Jason M.: Jin-Der Wen, Laura Lancaster, Courtney Hodges, Ana-Carolina Zeri, Shige H. Yoshimura, Harry F. Noller, Carlos Bustamante and Ignacio Tinco Jr. "Following translation by single ribosomes one codon at a
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May 8
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Elise: Liang Hong, Angelo Cacciuto, Erik Luijten, and Steve Granick. "Clusters of Amphiphilic Colloidal Spheres," Langmuir, 24, 621 (2008).
May 22
Gregg: Kevin W. Plaxcoa, Kim T. Simonsa and David Baker, "Contact order, transition state placement and the refolding rates of single domain proteins", J. Mol. Biol 277, 985-994 (1998).
Xinhui: Emanuela Zaccarelli, Stefan Andreev, Francesco Sciortino, and David R. Reichman. "Numerical Investigation of Glassy Dynamics in Low-Density Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 195701 (2008).
May 29
Karen: Metin Muradoglu and Howard A. Stone. "Motion of Large Bubbles in Curved Channels," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 570, 455-466 (2007).
Sunil: Luc Belloni. "Yes, pair correlations alone do determine sedimentation profiles of highly charged colloids," J. Chem. Phys. 123, 204705 (2005).
June 5
June 12
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June 19
Carl: Donev et al. "Underconstrained jammed packings of nonspherical hard particles: Ellipses and
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June 26
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July 3
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July 10
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July 17
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July 24
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July 31
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August 7
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August 14
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August 21
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August 28
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September 18
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September 25
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October 9
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October 16
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October 23
Melissa: Zhang et al., "Aligned two- and three-dimensional structure by directional freezing of polymers and nanoparticles", Nat. Mat. 4 (2005).
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October 30
Carl: M. Letz, R. Schilling, and A. Latz, "Ideal glass transitions for hard ellipsoids," Phys. Rev. E 62, 5173 (2000).
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November 6
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November 20
Cecile: Ana-Suncˇana Smith, Kheya Sengupta, Stefanie Goennenwein , Udo Seifert, and Erich Sackmann. "Force-induced growth of adhesion domains is controlled by receptor mobility." PNAS 105, 6906 (2008).
Margaret: Jan-Willem van de Meent, Idan Tuval, and Raymond E. Goldstein, "Nature's Microfluidic Transporter: Rotational Cytoplasmic Streaming at High Péclet Numbers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 178102 (2008).
December 4
Simon: Jessica M. Walter, Derek Greenfield, Carlos Bustamante, and Jan Liphardt, "Light-powering Escherichia coli with proteorhodopsin" PNAS 104, 2408 (2007).
Gregg: Jens Bredenbeck, Jan Helbing, Janet R. Kumita, G. Andrew Woolley and Peter Hamm, "α-Helix formation in a photoswitchable peptide tracked from picoseconds to microseconds by time-resolved IR spectroscopy," PNAS 102, 2379 (2005).
December 11
Andrew: Rong Fan, Ophir Vermesh, Alok Srivastava, Brian K H Yen, Lidong Qin, Habib Gabriel A Kwong, Chao-Chao Liu, Juliane Gould, Leroy Hood, and James R Heath, "Integrated barcode chips for rapid, multiplexed analysis of proteins in microliter quantities of blood," Nature Biotechnology 26, 1373 (2008).
Xinhui: R. Cerbino, L. Peverini, M. A. C. Potenza, A. Robert, P. Bösecke and M. Giglio, "X-ray-scattering information obtained from near-field speckle", Nature Physics 4, 238 (2008).
December 18
Tamara: Sri Rama Koti Ainavarapu, Jasna Brujic, Hector H. Huang, Arun P. Wiita, Hui Lu , Lewyn Li, Kirstin A. Walther, Mariano Carrion-Vazquez , Hongbin Li, and Julio M. Fernandez, "Contour Length and Refolding Rate of a Small Protein Controlled by Engineered Disulfide Bonds," Biophys. J. 92, 225 (2007).
Jason F: P. D. García, R. Sapienza, J. Bertolotti, M. D. Martín, Á Blanco, A. Altube, L. Viña, D. S. Wiersma, and C. López, "Resonant light transport through Mie modes in photonic glasses", Phys. Rev. A 78, (2008).
January 8, 2009
Guo-Jie: H. G. E. Hentschel, Valery Ilyin, and Itamar Procaccia, "Nonuniversality of the Specific Heat in Glass Forming Systems," Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 265701 (2008).
Chinedum: Kapnistos, M. et al. "Unexpected power-law stress relaxation of entangled ring polymers," Nature Materials, 7, 997-1002 (2008).
January 15
JinGyu: Daniela J. Kraft, Wessel S. Vlug, Carlos M. van Kats, Alfons van Blaaderen, Arnout Imhof and Willem K. Kegel, "Self-Assembly of Colloids with Liquid Protrusions," J. Am. Chem. Soc., Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable).
Carl: C. de Michele, R. Schilling, and F. Sciortino, "Dynamics of uniaxial hard ellipsoids", Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 265702 (2007).
January 23
Elizabeth: Michael Socolich, Steve W. Lockless, William P. Russ, Heather Lee, Kevin H. Gardner, and Rama Ranganathan, "Evolutionary information for specifying a protein fold," Nature 437, 512 (2005).
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Melissa: Lemaire, Levitz, Daccord, and Van Damme, "From Viscous Fingering to Viscoelastic Fracturing," PRL 67, 2009 (1991).
January 30
Corey: Vinothan N. Manoharan, Mark T. Elsesser, and David J. Pine, "Dense packing and symmetry in small clusters of microspheres," Science 301, 483 (2003).
Elissa: Victor C. Tsai and J. S. Wettlaufer. "Star Patterns on Lake Ice," Physical Review E 75, 066105 (2007).
February 6
Manesh: Youngjong Kang, Joseph J. Walish, Taras Gorishnyy and Edwin L. Thomas, "Broad-wavelength-range chemically tunable block-copolymer photonic gels," Nature Materials 6, 957 (2007).
Holger: Jesse Stricker, Scott Cookson, Matthew R. Bennett, William H. Mather, Lev S. Tsimring and Jeff Hasty, "A fast, robust and tunable synthetic gene
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February 13
Ajay: Prerna Sharma, Shankar Ghosh and S. Bhattacharya "Microrheology of a sticking transition," Nature Physics 4, 960 (2008).
Eric: Weilong She, Jianhui Yu, and Raohui Feng, "Observation of a Push Force on the End Face of a Nanometer Silica Filament Exerted by Outgoing Light," Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 243601 (2008).
February 20
Alla: GW Greene, TH Anderson, H Zeng, B Zappone, and JN Israelachvili. "Force amplification response of actin filaments under confined compression." PNAS 106, 445 (2009).
Prasanta: Giulio Biroli, Claudio Chamon, and Francesco Zamponi. "Theory of the superglass phase." Phys. Rev. B 78, 224306 (2008).
February 27
Margaret: David Keller and Carlos Bustamante, "The Mechanochemistry of Molecular Motors," Biophys. J. 78, 541 (2000).
March 6
Nick: H. Shiba et al., "Elastic convection in vibrated viscoplastic fluids," Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 044501 (2007).
Cecile: Clarence E. Chan and David J. Odde, "Traction Dynamics of Filopodia on Compliant Substrates," Science 322, 1687 (2008).
March 27
Gregg: Natalia A. Denesyuk and John D. Weeks, "Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Effects in the Collapse of a Model Polypeptide," PRL 102, 108101 (2009).
Jason M.: X. Wu, W. Fang, A. Yamilov, A. A. Chabanov, A. A. Asatryan, L. C. Botten, and H. Cao. "Random lasing in weakly scattering systems." Phys. Rev. A 74, 053812 (2006).
April 3
Ye: Weining Man and William B. Russel, "Direct Measurements of Critical Stresses and Cracking in Thin Films of Colloid Dispersions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 198302 (2008).
Corey: On birds' nests.
April 10
Anrew: Gaddum Duemani Reddy, Keith Kelleher, Rudy Fink, and Peter Saggau, "Three-dimensional random access multiphoton microscopy for functional imaging for neuronal activity," Nature 11, 713. (2008).
JinGyu: J.C. Loudet, A.M. Alsayed, J.Zhang, and A.G. Yodh, "Capillary Interactions Between Anisotropic Colloidal Particles," Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 018301 (2005).
April 17
Simon: Lacramioara Bintu, Nicolas E Buchler, Hernan G Garcia, Ulrich Gerland, Terence Hwa, Jané Kondev and Rob Phillips, "Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: models," Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 15, 116 (2005).
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Jason F.: Seung-Hyun Anna Lee, Neal M Abrams, Paul G Hoertz, Greg D Barber, Lara I Halaoui, and Thomas E Mallouk, "Coupling of Titania Inverse Opals to Nanocrystalline Titania Layers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," J Phys Chem B 112, 14415 (2008).
April 24
Elissa: François Blanchette and Wendy W. Zhang, "Force Balance at the Transition from Selective Withdrawal to Viscous Entrainment," Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 144501 (2009).
Melissa: A. Duri, D.A. Sessoms, V. Trappe, and L. Cipelletti, "Resolving Long-Range Spatial Correlations in Jammed Colloidal Systems Using Photon Correlation Imaging," Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 085702 (2009).
May 1
Holger: Robert G. Endres and Ned S. Wingreen, "Accuracy of direct gradient sensing by single cells", PNAS 105, 15749 (2008).
Carl: Z. Zeravcic, N. Xu, A. J. Liu, S. R. Nagel, and W. van Saarloos, "Excitations of Ellipsoid Packings near Jamming," arXiv:0904.1558v1 (2009).
May 8
Chinedum: G. B. McKenna, T. Narita and F. Lequeux, "Soft colloidal matter: A phenomenological comparison of the aging and mechanical responses with those of molecular glasses," J. Rheol. 53, 489 (2009).
Elizabeth: D. Hu, and J. Bush, "Meniscus-climbing insects," Nature 437, 733 (2005).
May 14
Prasanta: Shai Carmi, P. L. Krapivsky, and Daniel ben-Avraham, "Partition of networks into basins of attraction," Phys. Rev. E 78, 066111 (2008).
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May 21
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May 28
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June 4
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June 18
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June 25
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July 2
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July 23
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July 30
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August 6
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August 13
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August 20
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August 27
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September 3
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September 10
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September 17
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September 25
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October 2
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October 9
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October 30
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November 6
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November 6
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November 13
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November 20
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December 11
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January 15, 2010
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January 22
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January 29
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February 5
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February 12
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February 19
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February 26
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Elizabeth: Stephen M. Barnett, "Resolution of the Abraham-Minkowski Dilemma." Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 070401 (2010).
March 12
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March 19
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March 26
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April 2
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April 9
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April 16
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April 23
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April 30
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May 14
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May 20
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May 27
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June 3
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June 10
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June 17
Tianqi: Emanuela Zaccarelli, " Colloidal gels: equilibrium and non-equilibrium routes," J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 19, 323101 (2007).
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June 24
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July 8
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July 15
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July 22
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July 29
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August 5
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August 12
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August 19
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August 26
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September 2
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September 9
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September 16
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September 24
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October 1
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October 8
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Rob: A. B. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger, and S. Torquato, "Densest Local Packing diversity: II. Application to three dimensions," cond-mat/1009.3003 or http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.3003
October 15
Jason F.: Kelly M. Schultz, Aaron D. Baldwin, Kristi L. Kiick and Eric M. Furst, "Gelation of Covalently Cross-Linked PEG-Heparin Hydrogels," Macromolecules 42, 5310 (2009).
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October 22
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October 29
Andrew: James R Sellers and Claudia Veigel, "Direct observation of the myosin-Va power stroke and its reversal," Nature 17, 590 (2010).
Manesh: Sung Yeon Kim, Suhan Kim, Moon Jeong Park, "Enhanced proton transport in nanostructured polymer electrolyte/ionic liquid membranes under water-free conditions," Nature Communications, 88, 05 October 2010.
Nov. 5
Callen: E.H. Zhou, X. Trepat, C.Y. Park, G. Lenormand, M.N. Oliver, S.M. Mijailovich, C. Hardin, D.A. Weitz, J.P. Butler, J.J.Fredberg, "Universal behavior of the osmotically compressed cell and its analogy to the colloidal glass transition." PNAS 106, 10632-10637 (2009).
Ye: Katia Bertoldi, Pedro M. Reis, Stephen Willshaw, and Tom Mullin, "Negative Poisson's Ratio Behavior Induced by an Elastic Instability," Advanced Materials 22, 361–366 (2010).
Nov. 12
Nick: P. Perlekar, R. Benzi, D. R. Nelson, and F. Toschi, "Population Dynamics at High Reynolds Number," Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 144501 (2010).
Ashwin: Hajime Tanaka, Takeshi Kawasaki, Hiroshi Shintani, and Keiji Watanabe, "Critical-like behavior of glass forming liquids", Nat Mat 9, 324 (2010).
Dec. 10
Ajay: Eric Brown, Nicholas Rodenberg, John Amend, Annan Mozeika, Erik Steltz, Mitchell R. Zakin, Hod Lipson, and Heinrich M. Jaeger, "Universal robotic gripper based on the jamming of granular material," PNAS 107, 18809 (2010).
Jason M.: E.T. Jaynes, "The well-posed problem," Foundations of Physics 3, 477 (1973).
Dec. 17
Doug: M. L. Fender, F. Lechenault, and K. E. Daniels, "Universal Shapes Formed by Two Interacting Cracks," Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 125505 (2010).
Aaron: Kidong Park, Larry J. Millet, Namjung Kim, Huan Li, Xiaozhong Jin, Gabriel Popescu, N. R. Aluru, K. Jimmy Hsia, and Rashid Bashir, "Measurement of adherent cell mass and growth," PNAS 107, 20691 (2010).
Jan. 7, 2011
Simon: (1) Frank S. Bates, "Network Phases in Block Copolymer Melts,"
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Carl: M. Lisa Manning, and Andrea J. Liu, "Vibrational modes identify soft spots in a sheared disordered packing," submitted to PRL (arXiv:1012.4822v1).
Jan. 14
Guy: M.I. Smith, R. Besseling, M.E. Cates and V. Bertola, "Dilatancy in the flow and fracture of stretched colloidal suspensions," Nature Comm. 1, 114 (2010).
Zhen: Cathy E. McNamee, Shinpei Yamamoto, Hans-Juergen Butt,and Ko Higashitani, "A Straightforward Way To Form Close-Packed TiO2 Particle Monolayers at an Air/Water Interface," Langmuir, online in advance of publication (2010).
Jan. 21
Candice: Lidiya Mishchenko, Benjamin Hatton, Vaibhav Bahadur, J. Ashley Taylor, Tom Krupenkin, and Joanna Aizenberg, "Design of Ice-free Nanostructured Surfaces Based on Repulsion of Impacting Water Droplets," ACS Nano 4, 7699 (2010).
Shanju: V. Causin, C. Marege, A. Marigo, L. Valentini, J. M. Kenny, "Crystallization and melting behavior of Poly(3-butylthiephene), poly(3-octylthiophene), and poly(3-dodecylthiophene)", Macromolecules, 38, 409-415 (2005).
Jan. 28
Henry: Ramaswamy Krishnan, Darinka D. Klumpers, Chan Y. Park, Kavitha Rajendran, Xavier Trepat, Jan van Bezu, Victor W. M. van Hinsbergh, Christopher V. Carman, Joseph D. Brain, Jeffrey J. Fredberg, James P. Butler, and Geerten P. van Nieuw Amerongen, "Substrate stiffening promotes endothelial monolayer disruption through enhanced physical forces," Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 300, C146 (2011).
Ross: Christopher Dombrowski, Wanxi Kan, Md. Abdul Motaleb, Nyles W. Charon, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Charles W. Wolgemuth, "The Elastic Basis for the Shape of Borrelia burgdorferi," Biophys. J. 96, 4409 (June 2009).
Feb. 4
Chinedum: Vikram K. Daga, Evan L. Schwartz, Curran M. Chandler, Jin-Kyun Lee, Ying Lin, Christopher K. Ober, and James J. Watkins, "Photoinduced Ordering of Block Copolymers," Nano Lett., Article ASAP (2011).
Rob: Thomas R. Mattsson, J. Matthew D. Lane, Kyle R. Cochrane, Michael P. Desjarlais, Aidan P. Thompson, Flint Pierce, and Gary S. Grest, "First-principles and classical molecular dynamics simulation of shocked polymers," Phys. Rev. B 81, 054103 (2010).
Feb. 11
Eric: Eran Sharon and Efi Efrati, "The mechanics of non-Euclidean plates," Soft Matter 6, 5693 (2010).
Cecile: Michael Heinricha, Aiwei Tiana, Cinzia Espositoa, and Tobias Baumgarta, "Dynamics sorting of lipids and proteins in membrane tubes with a moving phase boundary," PNAS 107, 7208 (2010).
Feb. 18
Jason F.: Barbara Ruzicka, Emanuela Zaccarelli, Laura Zulian, Roberta Angelini, Michael Sztucki, Abdellatif Moussaïd, Theyencheri Narayanan and Francesco Sciortino, "Observation of empty liquids and equilibrium gels in a colloidal clay," Nature Materials, 10, 56 (2010).
Manesh: Takashi Yamamoto, Taro Kimura, Motonori Komura, Yukimitsu Suzuki, Tomokazu Iyoda, Sadayuki Asaoka, and Haruyuki Nakanishi, "Block Copolymer Permeable Membrane with Visualized High-Density Straight Channels of Poly(ethylene oxide)," Advanced Functional Materials, Article first published online: 2 Feb. (2011).
Feb. 25
Corey: S. Ostojic, E. Somfai, and B. Niehuis, "Scale invariance and universality of force networks in static granular matter," Nature 439, 828 (2006).
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March 11
Alice: Henry N. Chapmen et al. "Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography," Nature 470, 73 (2011).
Carl: Carolina Brito and Matthieu Wyart, "Geometric interpretation of previtrification in hard sphere liquids," J. Chem. Phys. 131, 024504 (2009).
March 18
Ye: H. M. Wyss, T. Franke, E. Melead, and D. A. Weitz, "Capillary micromechanics: Measuring the elasticity of microscopic soft objects," Soft Matter, 6, 4550 (2010).
Andrew: Alexander Gansena, Alessandro Valerib, Florian Hauger, Suren Felekyan, Stanislav Kalinin, Katalin Toth, Jorg Langowski, and Claus A. M. Seidel, "Nucleosome disassembly intermediates characterized by single-molecule FRET," PNAS 106, 15308 (2009).
April 1
Callen: Situan Wang, Hugo Arellano-Santoyo, Peter A. Combs, and Joshua W. Shaevitz, "Actin-like cytoskeleton filaments contribute to cell mechanics in bacteria," PNAS vol. 107, 9182 (2010).
Diana: Julie N. L. Albert, Timothy D. Bogart, Ronald L. Lewis, Kathryn L. Beers, Michael J. Fasolka, J. Brian Hutchison, Bryan D. Vogt, and Thomas H. Epps, "Gradient Solvent Vapor Annealing of Block Copolymer Thin Films Using a Microfluidic Mixing Device," Nano Letters, 11, 1351 (2011).
April 8
Nick: P. M. Reis, S. Jung, J. M. Aristoff, and R. Stocker, "How Cats Lap: Water Uptake by Felis catus," Science 330, 1231 (2010).
Ashwin: Michele Castellana, Aurélien Decelle, Silvio Franz, Marc Mézard, and Giorgio Parisi, "Hierarchical Random Energy Model of a Spin Glass," Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 127206 (2010).
April 15
Zhen: M. D. Lima et al., "Biscrolling Nanotube Sheets and Functional Guests into Yarns," Science 331, 51 (2011).
Aaron: Martin P. Stewart, Jonne Helenius, Yusuke Toyoda, Subramanian P. Ramanathan, Daniel J. Muller, and Anthony A. Hyman, "Hydrostatic pressure and the actomyosin cortex drive mitotic cell rounding," Nature 469, 226 (2011).
April 22
Doug: T. M. Schneider, S. Mandre and M. P. Brenner, "Algorithm for a microfluidic assembly line," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 094503 (2011).
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April 29
Tianqi: L. Berthier and T. A. Witten, "Compressing nearly hard sphere fluids increases glass fragility", Euro. Phys. Lett. 86, 10001 (2009).
Jason M.: M. V. Berry and S. Klein, "Transparent mirrors: rays, waves, and localization," Eur. J. Phys. 18, 222 (1997).
May 6
Guy: D. Brutin, B. Sobac, B. Loquet and J. Sampol, "Pattern formation in drying drops of blood," J. Fluid Mech. 667, 85 (2011).
Ajay: Can Zhao, Kaiwen Tian and Ning Xu, "New Jamming Scenario: From Marginal Jamming to Deep Jamming", Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 125503 (2011).
May 13
Alexandre: P. Beiersdorfer, D. Layne, E. W. Magee, and J. I. Katz, "Viscoelastic suppression of gravity-driven counterflow instability," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 058301 (2011).
Shanju: Ji Eun Kim, Tae Hee Han, Sun Hwa Lee, Ju Young Kim, Chi Won Ahn, Je Moon Yun, and Sang Ouk Kim, "Graphene Oxide Liquid Crystals," Angewandte Chemie 50, 3043 (2011).
May 20
Candice: Hseih-Chih Chen, I-Che Wu, Jui-Hsiang Hung, Fu-Je Chen, I-Wen P. Chen, Yung-Kang Peng, Chao-Sung Lin, Chun-Hsien Chen, Yu-Jane Sheng, Heng-Kwong Tsao, and Pi-Tai Chou, "Superiority of Branced Side Chains in Spontaneous Nanowire Formation: Exemplified by Poly(3-2-methylbutylthiophene) for High-Performance Solar Cells," Small 7, 1098 (2011).
Jason F.: Christel Le Bon, Taco Nicolai, and Dominique Durand, "Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation of Globular Proteins after Heat-Induced Denaturation," Macromolecules 32, 6120 (1999).
May 27
Ross: Yi Deng, Mingzhai Sun, and Joshua W. Shaevitz, "Direct measurement of cell wall stress-stiffening and turgor pressure in live bacterial cells," arXiv:1104.1421v2.
June 3
Rob: Daphne Klotsa and Robert L. Jack, "Predicting the self-assembly of a model colloidal crystal," arXiv:1103.2037v1 [cond-mat.soft]
Eric: E. Evans and W. Rawicz, "Entropy-Driven Tension and Bending Elasticity in Condensed-Fluid Membranes," Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2094 (1990) and
Emanuele Vignati and Roberto Piazza, "Pickering Emulsions: Interfacial Tension, Colloidal Layer Morphology, and Trapped-Particle Motion" Langmuir 19, 6650 (2003).
June 24
Ashwin: Ning Xu, Daan Frenkel, and Andrea J Liu, "Direct Determination of the Size of Basins of Attraction of Jammed Solids," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 245502 (2011).
Sara: Darrell Velegol, Shailesh Shori and Charles E. Snyder, "Rayleigh-Benard Instability in Sedimentation," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48, 2414 (2009) and
Huda A. Jerri, William P. Sheehan, Charles E. Snyder and Darrell Velegol, "Prolonging Density Gradient Stability," Langmuir 26, 4725 (2010).
July 1
Cecile: Jan L. Souman, Ilja Frissen, Manish N. Sreenivasa, and Marc O. Ernst, "Walking Straight into Circles", Current Biology 19, 1538 (2009).
Ye: Nicholas J. Douville, Zhengyu Li, Shuichi Takayama and M. D. Thouless, "Fracture of metal coated elastomers," Soft Matter, Advanced Article (2011).
July 8
Andrew: Eli Rothenberg, Leonardo A. Sepulveda, Samuel O. Skinner, Lanying Zeng, Paul R. Selvin, and Ido Golding, "Single-Virus Tracking Reveals a Spatial Receptor-Dependent Search Mechanism," Biophysical Journal 100, 2875 (2011).
Alice: Uroš Tkalec, Miha Ravnik, Simon Čopar, Slobodan Žumer, and Igor Muševič, "Reconfigurable Knots and Links in Chiral Nematic Colloids," Science 333, 62 (2011).
July 15
Callen: Janice H. Lai, Juan C. del Alamo, Javier Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Juan C. Lasheras, "The mechanics of the adhesive locomotion of terrestrial gastropods," Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 3920-3933.
Carl: M. Otsuki and H. Hayakawa, “Critical Behaviors of Sheared Frictionless Granular Materials near the Jamming Transition”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 011308 (2009).
July 22
Nick: I. D. Couzin, J. Krause, N. R. Franks, and S. A. Levin, "Effective leadership and decision-making in animal groups on the move," Nature 433, 513 (2005).
Diana: Bokyung Kim, Sung Woo Hong, Soojin Park, Ji Xu, Sung-Kwon Hong and Thomas P. Russell, "Phase transition behavior in thin films of block copolymers by use of immiscible solvent vapors," Soft Matter 7, 443 (2011).
July 29
Manesh: Justin Bolton, Travis S. Bailey, and Javid Rzayev, "Large Pore Size Nanoporous Materials from the Self-Assembly of Asymmetric Bottlebrush Block Copolymers," Nano Lett. 11, 998 (2011).
Chinedum: B. A. Evans, A. R. Shields, R. Lloyd Carroll, S. Washburn, M. R. Falvo, and R. Superfine, "Magnetically Actuated Nanorod Arrays as Biomimetic Cilia," Nano Lett. 7, 1428 (2007).
Aug. 12
Aaron: Wesley R. Legant, Jordan S. Miller, Brandon L. Blakely, Daniel M. Cohen, Guy M. Genin, and Christopher S. Chen, "Measurement of mechanical tractions exerted by cells in three-dimensional matrices," Nature Methods 7, 969 (2010).
Zhen: Erin Koos and Norbert Willenbacher, "Capillary Forces in Suspension Rheology", Science 331, 897 (2011).
Aug. 26
Doug: O. Reynolds, "An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and the law of resistance in parallel channels," Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London 174, 935 (1883).and
K. Avila et al., "The Onset of Turbulence in Pipe Flow," Science 333, 192 (2011).
Guy: E. M. Honey and H. P. Kavehpour, "Astonishing life of a coalescing drop on a free surface," Phys. Rev. E 73, 027301 (2006).
Sept. 2
Alexandre: G. Haller and G. Yuan, "Lagrangian coherent structures and mixing in two-dimensional turbulence," Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 147, 352 (2000).
Tianqi: Johan Mattsson, Hans M. Wyss, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Zhibing Hu, David R. Reichman, and David A. Weitz, "Soft colloids make strong glasses," Nature 462, 83 (2001).
Jason M. and Corey
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