
Rediscovering black phosphorus

Anisotropic exciton in monolayer BP

Dichroism in monolayer BP

Breathing modes in BP

Strain-engineering of BP

Recently rediscovered black phosphorus (BP) has shown promising potential for photonic applications over a broad spectral range from visible to mid-infrared, in addition to other widely explored 2D materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). The goal of this NSF EFRI-2DARE program is to reveal the fundamental properties of light-BP interactions and to build photonic devices, based on the research on its unique optical properties. To achieve this goal, we will (1) develop a theoretical foundation to predict and guide basic optical science and device research, (2) invent novel methods for large-area synthesis of BP, (3) elucidate mechanisms of light-BP interaction (especially the roles of excitons) and carrier transport properties in BP and its heterostructures, (4) develop BP passivation and protection schemes to prevent it from degradation when exposed to ambient condition, and (5) devise novel BP photonic devices, leveraging other two-dimensional materials.

Last updated: Jun. 8, 2016